Arduino Air Guitar
This is an Airduino Air Guitar, consisting of two parts, a glove and a strummer. Using the glove one can choose which note to play and the strummer helps in choosing the pitch and strum the guitar, imitating a normal guitar.
Engineer | School | Area of Interest | Grade |
Vedika S. | Cupertino High School | Electrical Engineering | Incoming Senior |
Project Picture
Project Video
Final Milestone
My final milestone was to make the glove which would represent the keys of the guitar and put final piece together. Though I did not run into any major problems while doing this but a breakdown was that I accidently broke one of the accelerometer pins which brought a hault to my project for a day. Overall, I am pretty happy with the way this tunred out but in the future I would work on the wiring, improve the code to do multiple tasks at one time and maybe modify this into a Ukulele because there are 4 strings and I have 4 finger controls!
Second Milestone
My Second Milestone was to generate tones with the ultrasonic sensor. I wrote a piece of code that gave me the distance between the UltraSonic sensor’s emitter and receiver; the shorter the distance the lower the pitch and the longer the distance the higher the pitch. When I move the breadboard which has the gyroscope in it, a sound is generated indicating a string was plucked. A major issue I had was that I did not know how to generate sounds in the first place. So, I chose a couple of notes, got the frequencies converted it into microseconds and then tested it out. Once I had got that working, I combined it with the distance sensing code. My next goal is to figure out hand controls to indicate what key is being played then assemble the final piece.
First Milestone
My First milestone was setting up the accelerometer with the arduino. The accelerometer I used had an in-built gyroscope which gave me the position of my hands to imitate a classic guitar. I could not find a documentation for the code library I was working with, so upon doing some research I came across the command sheet of the chips manufacturer. Using that I was able to complete my code. My next step is to finish up the circuit by adding a couple other components and start assembeling the device.
Bill of Materials
Here is a list of everything you need for the project!
Item | Quantity | Price | Link |
Breadboard | 1 | $2.99/count | |
Wires | 20 | $0.06/count | |
Arduino | 1 | $27 | |
Speaker/Amplifier | 1 | $11.99 | |
Accelerometer | 1 | $3.33/count | |
Ultrasonic Sensor | 1 | $1.83/count | |
Soldering Kit | 1 | $19.99 | |
Glove | 1 | $5.99 | |
Hot Glue Gun | 1 | $14.99 | |
Resistors | 4 | $1.04/count | |
Conductive Fabric | 1 | $15.99 | |
NOTE: The pins on the Arduino Uno do not represent the actual orientation, it is simply a reference. Please refer to the Ardunino Pinout (and other pinouts) linked below.
In my project, I used an external VRM for the speaker since the Ardunino can only supply 200mA, the speaker needed more than that. So, the speaker is powered by the external VRM.
Pinout/Useful Links
- Arduino -
- Accelerometer to Arduino -
- Ultrasonic to Arduino -
- Voltage Regulator Module (VRM) - pinout for this is in the product on amazon, you can find the link in the bill of materials.
<#include <MPU6050.h>
#include <Wire.h>
const int MPU_ADDR = 0x68;
float lastAccX=0.0f,lastAccY=0.0f,lastAccZ=0.0f;
#define SPEAKER_PIN 7
#define TRIG_PIN 3
#define ECHO_PIN 2
#define G_PIN 12
#define D_PIN 11
#define A_PIN 10
#define E_PIN 9
/*Supported strings*/
#define STRING_G 0
#define STRING_D 1
#define STRING_A 2
#define STRING_E 3
/*Ultrasonic sensor constants*/
/*Define note frequencies*/
unsigned int frequency_table[4][5] ={
{220,262,329,392,440}, //G
{156,185,208,233,277}, //D
{123,147,175,196,220}, //A
{92,104,117,139,156} //E
float previous_pitch=0.0;
void setup() {
pinMode(G_PIN, INPUT);
pinMode(D_PIN, INPUT);
pinMode(A_PIN, INPUT);
pinMode(E_PIN, INPUT);
//Setup MPU6050
Wire.write(0x6B); //Talk to register 6B
Wire.write(0x00); //Reset MPU
delay(20);//allow reset
* The main loop
void loop() {
if(is_string_plucked() == true){
int string_pressed = get_string_pressed();
if(string_pressed == -1) return;
int pluck_index = get_pluck_distance_index();
int frequency_to_play = frequency_table[string_pressed][pluck_index];
Serial.print("P=");Serial.print(string_pressed);Serial.print(",D=");Serial.print(pluck_index);Serial.print(",F="); Serial.println(frequency_to_play);
/*Function to check which note is pressed*/
int get_string_pressed(){
int gPin = digitalRead(G_PIN);
int dPin = digitalRead(D_PIN);
int aPin = digitalRead(A_PIN);
int ePin = digitalRead(E_PIN);
if(gPin == LOW) return STRING_G;
if(dPin == LOW) return STRING_D;
if(aPin == LOW) return STRING_A;
if(ePin == LOW) return STRING_E;
return -1;
* Function to check the distance index of the pluck.
* Untrasonic sensor returns distance between 0-1183 cm. We divide this whole length into
* 20 equal units (because, our frequency table has 20 steps per string).
int get_pluck_distance_index(){
/*Read ultrasonic sensor*/
float distance = read_distance();
int index = distance / (MAX_DISTANCE_CMS / 20);
return index;
/*Function to check if the guitar string is plucked*/
boolean is_string_plucked(){
//Read accelerometer
Wire.write(0x3B);// Start with register 0x3B (ACCEL_XOUT_H)
Wire.requestFrom(MPU_ADDR, 6, true);
//For a range of +-2g, we need to divide the raw values by 16384, according to the datasheet
float accX = ( << 8 | / 16384.0;
float accY = ( << 8 | / 16384.0;
float accZ = ( << 8 | / 16384.0;
float diffX = fabs(lastAccX - accX);
float diffY = fabs(lastAccY - accY);
float diffZ = fabs(lastAccZ - accZ);
//TODO::For now, we are using breadboard, therefore, we will check acc in Y direction only
return( diffY >= 0.1);
/*PLay a note based on the pluck distance and the string pressed*/
void play_note(int frequency){
/*int start_time = millis();
int end_time = start_time;
while ((end_time-start_time) <= 100){
int time_period = 1/frequency;
int on_time = time_period / 2;
int off_time= time_period / 2;
end_time = millis();
/*Reads the distance between the transmitter and the reciever of the ultrasonic sensor*/
float read_distance(){
// Clears the trigPin condition
digitalWrite(TRIG_PIN, LOW);
//turning on TRIG_PIN
digitalWrite(TRIG_PIN, HIGH);
digitalWrite(TRIG_PIN, LOW);
// Reads the echoPin, returns the sound wave travel time in microseconds
int duration = pulseIn(ECHO_PIN, HIGH);
// Calculating the distance
float distance = duration * 0.034 / 2; // Speed of sound wave divided by 2 (go and back)
//Serial.print("Distance= "); Serial.println(distance);
return distance;